All our latest news, information and research

FOR YOUNG ADULTS: A Road Map For Success
Individuation is the crucial developmental process that launches kids into adulthood. This process is a series of steps and moments throughout life, starting in childhood,

The “In Between” Stage of Identity Development
Identity development is one of the most important developmental tasks humans complete. Setting the stage for strong mental health, success, and healthy relationships are all
Millennials: Who Are We Really? And What Do We Need?
About Millennials The media loves millennials. Journalists and commentators love to laugh at our quirks, criticize our work ethic, call us entitled, and generalize our
Pure Life Welcomes Jeffrey Calderon as Wilderness Therapist
Pure Life Adventure is proud to announce the hire of our first Costa Rican therapist. Psychologist, Jeffrey Calderon will officially join the team as primary
The Pure Life Team Is Excited To Welcome Carrie Weatherhead, LCSW To Our Family
Carrie Weatherhead, LCSW is excited to join Pure Life as Marketing and Admissions Director. Carrie has dedicated her entire professional career to providing opportunities for

Holistic nature-based adventure programs to treat anxiety
Wilderness Adventure Therapy can be more effective than traditional therapy for young adults struggling with anxiety.

College is Stressful! It is OK to Ask for Help.
In today’s competitive world, high achieving youth begin college preparations as early as middle school (often earlier). Everything they do, from sports to community service,

FOR PARENTS: How to Help Your Child Manage an Anxiety Disorder
Here is a list of advice for parents of a child struggling with anxiety. Educate yourself on anxiety disorders. It is important to be familiar with