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FOR YOUNG ADULTS: Tips For Managing Anxiety
Anxiety in young adults can be frustrating, scary and debilitating. With these 10 tips for managing anxiety, you can learn how to naturally manage anxiety at home. If more intensive help is needed, check out Pure Life’s Adventure Therapy in Costa Rica.

5 Ways Practicing Yoga Helps the Therapeutic Process
Jesse Chapman Yoga has become something of a fad in the past decade, with more and more people adding it to their daily routines. Generally

Taking the Edge Off: Self-Medicating for Anxiety
At times, anxiety can have a negative affect on your life, work, relationships, and overall mental wellness. If it seems like your anxiety has gone beyond the occasional racing heart before a crucial presentation or the sweaty palms before a big game, you might be wondering how to take the edge off your anxiety. There is a strong connection between self medicating with drugs and alcohol and chronic anxiety. However, there are many effective treatments that can reliably combat anxiety in all its forms without resorting to prescription medicine or substance abuse.

Social Anxiety or the “Always Embarrassed” Disorder
If you find yourself constantly feeling embarrassed but don’t understand why you may be experiencing social anxiety disorder. We share some tips to manage your anxiety right now and how to work towards a happier and less anxious you.

Signs You (or a Loved One) Might Have an Anxiety Disorder
Some anxiety is normal. We are all familiar with that spike in adrenaline, racing heart and wide-eyed expression. Maybe it is triggered by public speaking,

Adventure Is My Therapy
By Molly Johnson, Pure Life Field Guide A few weeks ago, I was deeply immersed in one of my longest stretches of bad mood in

10 Tips for Living a Balanced Life
Pure Life Adventure’s field guide, Rachael Albright, shares her “Thoughts From the Field” on how to live a balanced life. With knowledge, wisdom, and passion,

Structured ‘gap years’ help young adults succeed
On college signing day last week many excited young adults donned their new school colors and started planning for their futures. But not everyone is