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A Critical Reflection by Anonymous Pure Life Student “Amy”
Here is a note from Amy: A large aspect of my time at Pure Life was theraputic. On trail, the guides would always be there
How to Support Your Son or Daughter Through Substance Abuse Treatment
The best thing you can do for your child is to be there for him or her during the treatment process. Grappling with the emotional
How a Novel Environment and Cultural Immersion Helps Young Adults Who Self Medicate
Some adventure therapy programs offer an added component of cultural immersion, with a strong emphasis on community outreach and cultural home-stays to capitalize on the
Why Wilderness Adventure Therapy is So Effective in Helping Self Medicating Young Adults
Outdoor Adventure Therapy programs have become increasingly prevalent over the past few decades. These outdoor therapeutic programs have gained popularity due to their success in
Pure Life: Helping Young Adults Find Their Way
For many young adults, the fall semester is just around the corner. Many students are observing their peers gearing up for college, starting internships, or
Enabling Adult Children: 5 Rules For Stopping Enabling Behavior
While it is out of love, many parents are guilty of enabling adult children. While the desire to help your child is a perfectly natural feeling, stopping enabling behaviors is crucial to making sure your child gets back on track to a normal adult lifestyle.
Enabling Adult Children Who Are Self Medicating: Are You an Enabler?
Because you love your child, there is almost nothing you wouldn’t do to help him or her. There is a point, however, where helping crosses
10 Signs of Drug Use, Problem Drinking, and Binge Drinking in Young Adults
Young adulthood is a time of new experiences and experimentation. It is during these years that many young adults make their first forays into social