Day: May 25, 2017

Young adults need time and space to establish their identity, but millennials spend a lot of their time and energy curating their online presence instead. This obsession with their online persona might take away from their ability to effectively establish their real identity, making it difficult for these young people to move on to the next stage of life. Pure Life Adventure can help young adults find and establish their identity, empowering them to create a life outside their phones.

Selfies and Snaps Define Gen Z Identity

Young adults need time and space to establish their identity, but millennials spend a lot of their time and energy curating their online presence instead. This obsession with their online persona might take away from their ability to effectively establish their real identity, making it difficult for these young people to move on to the next stage of life. Pure Life Adventure can help young adults find and establish their identity, empowering them to create a life outside their phones.

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