Day: October 31, 2024

That’s why we created our therapeutic gap year, which is meant to facilitate self-esteem and self-efficacy and help young adults find their path in a healthy, safe way. Through a therapeutic gap year that utilizes adventure, cultural immersion, physical activity, group therapy sessions, individual therapy sessions, and more, your young adult could find the launch pad they need for the rest of their lives.

What To Expect During a Therapeutic Gap Year

Pure Life Adventure’s Therapeutic Gap Year offers a holistic, integrated approach to the concept of a gap year, and if your child is struggling to find their footing as an adult, it could be the solution you need.

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For starters, develop a foundation of trust based on open communication. The key to supporting your child during this critical transition is to offer support and guidance while honoring their autonomy.

How To Support Young Adults Struggling With Life Choices

Whether they feel lost or anxious about career choices, educational opportunities, or wrestling with self-identity, struggling young adults often face difficult challenges. As they transition to adulthood, it’s essential for them to find help and feel supported.

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