All our latest news, information and research
What You Should Do Right Now If You’re Failing College
The possibility of failing college is scary and difficult. Although not uncommon, students who find themselves failing college should consider utilizing academic resources that can help.
How Outdoor Adventure Therapy Can Combat The Effects of Screen Time
Screen time—and the rate at which it has permeated childhood—has been a hotly debated topic during the last decade, but it is here to stay. If you’re wondering how to wrestle your child back from a digital world that is all-consuming, we offer a practical solution to limiting screen time through adventure therapy grounded in nature and human-centered relationships.
Why The Rise Of Cannabis Use In Teens?
If you are concerned about the rise of cannabis use among teenagers, you’re in good company. Research shows that this concerning trend can do both long-term and short-term damage to a developing teenager’s brain and mental health.
These 5 Stats About Kids Failing College Will Surprise You
Recent trends and data show that kids failing college are more at risk for living in poverty and unemployment than their college-educated peers. While there are many reasons for these failure and dropout rates, many find balancing school, work, and family issues in a higher educational setting difficult.
Think Screen Time Isn’t Hurting Your Kids? These 5 Studies Say Think Again
Screen time strikes guilt and fear into the heart of every parent, but few of us know how bad screens can be and what to do about screen use for our kids. Don’t worry, we’re going to go over prominent screen time studies as well as methods to deal with screen limitations for your teen and young adult.
11 Tips For Parents On How To Help Their Teen Grow Into A Successful Adult
Positive parenting can play a vital role in developing your child’s self-esteem and identity. If you’re struggling to understand your child, this article gives practical, positive parenting tips that can change the dynamic of your relationship and put you back on solid footing.
Creating Intrinsic Motivation In Your Teen
Why can your teen learn the newest TikTok dance in under an hour but can’t seem to study for more than 5 minutes? Your teen
Newsletter Release | Pure Life Adventure Announced First Alumni Retreat
Pure Life Adventure announces the first-ever Pure Life Alumni Retreat on December 17-23, 2023, at our Costa Rica campus. This exclusive event is open to