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Causes of Depression in Young Adults

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While the young adult years are known for their ups and downs, depression in young adults is more than just the occasional sadness or bad mood. Depression is a serious problem that can be the catalyst for problems with drug and alcohol abuse, school failure, self-mutilation and self-loathing, low motivation, and in some cases even suicide.

Many different factors can contribute to anxiety and depression in young adults. While genetics and brain chemistry plays a major role in a person’s risk for depression through the levels of neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, life experiences can also alter and affect brain chemistry after a trauma or big life change. Experts believe depression is caused by a complex combination of psychological, biological, and social elements, which include:

  • Lack of social interaction and support
  •  Family history of depression
  •  Health problems (and/or chronic pain)
  • Drug or alcohol abuse
  • Relationship problems (marital, familial, friendships)
  • Recent trauma
  • Financial problems
  • Unemployment or even underemployment

Sometimes identifying the cause of your young adult’s depression can assist in their recovery. If they are underemployed, perhaps help them find a more fulfilling and time-committed job rather than just prescribing an antidepressant. Helping them find a greater sense of purpose and better fill their time will serve them better in the long run.

It is common for young adults in college to become overwhelmed at new challenges and anxieties that accompany living on their own for the first time, adapting to a new school schedule, and managing money oftentimes can trigger depression. Going straight from high school to college or from one semester to the next doesn’t work for everyone. Some people respond well to enrolling in gap year programs or taking a gap semester. Gap year programs for mental health can help relieve the pressure of school or work while also teaching coping skills they can use as they transition to adulthood.

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