Tag: cannabis

Research shows that this concerning trend can do both long-term and short-term damage to a developing teenager’s brain and mental health.

Why The Rise Of Cannabis Use In Teens?

If you are concerned about the rise of cannabis use among teenagers, you’re in good company. Research shows that this concerning trend can do both long-term and short-term damage to a developing teenager’s brain and mental health.

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With technology becoming a way of life, it's more important than ever to understand what effects–the good, the bad, and the ugly–screen time may have on our increasingly fragile generation of youth. We now have longitudinal data on the effects of screen time use in young people. Research has shown that screen time has far-reaching effects–touching your teen’s social, academic, and emotional development–something that cannot be ignored when it comes to parenting a millennial youth.

Screen Time, Education, and Cannabis Use In Young People

With technology becoming a way of life, it’s more important than ever to understand what effects–the good, the bad, and the ugly–screen time may have on our increasingly fragile generation of youth. We now have longitudinal data on the effects of screen time use in young people. Research has shown that screen time has far-reaching effects–touching your teen’s social, academic, and emotional development–something that cannot be ignored when it comes to parenting a millennial youth.

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