Tag: young adults

For starters, develop a foundation of trust based on open communication. The key to supporting your child during this critical transition is to offer support and guidance while honoring their autonomy.

How To Support Young Adults Struggling With Life Choices

Whether they feel lost or anxious about career choices, educational opportunities, or wrestling with self-identity, struggling young adults often face difficult challenges. As they transition to adulthood, it’s essential for them to find help and feel supported.

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The nuances when it comes to the difference between social anxiety and shyness might feel insignificant, but when we look at the actual definitions of both experiences, the difference is profound.

Social Anxiety vs Shyness: How To Help Your Young Adult Thrive

Is your young adult shy, or do they have social anxiety? Sometimes, it’s hard to tell, but when it comes to the mental health and future success of your young adult, figuring out what is going on is crucial. We’ll go through what you need to know about social anxiety vs shyness in young adults to help you get the support you need.

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Adventure activities help students develop self-efficacy, grit, purpose, and drive. In addition, our program offers individual and group therapy to heal the root of mental health struggles such as depression and anxiety.

How Outdoor Adventure Therapy Can Combat The Effects of Screen Time

Screen time—and the rate at which it has permeated childhood—has been a hotly debated topic during the last decade, but it is here to stay. If you’re wondering how to wrestle your child back from a digital world that is all-consuming, we offer a practical solution to limiting screen time through adventure therapy grounded in nature and human-centered relationships.

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