While you may be tempted to think that you’re an academic failure if you’re failing a college class or even your whole semester, it’s actually fairly common among students. About 10% of incoming freshmen fail a class, or 1 out of every ten students. On a wider scale, statistics show that approximately 40% of undergraduates drop out of college every year.
And while these statistics mean that you’re not alone, it probably doesn’t alleviate the guilt and stress of failing a college course. Missing the mark can cause tremendous stress and even lead to student mental health declines and depression. But the story isn’t over yet!
There are many ways to recover from failing college, and Pure Life offers one such solution. If you’re traveling an uncharted road, it’s helpful to have a guide, and that’s exactly what Pure Life is–a supportive guide that can cheer you on while imparting valuable life skills.
Why You’re Failing College
If you’re failing college, take heart because, in some ways, it’s just not your fault. Not to harp on COVID too much, but the fact of the matter is that the learning loss that happened during COVID is still taking its toll on prospective college students. According to the testing company NWEA, students are less prepared for higher education than ever before.
But we can’t place all the blame on COVID because many students who fail college often struggle with developing good study habits, finding the motivation to study, attending classes, completing assignments, resolving personal issues, finding a good balance between working and school, or have unresolved struggles with mental health.
Some common signs to watch for if you feel like your college academics are beginning to slip:
- Falling behind in your assignments
- Falling behind in multiple classes
- Lying to your classmates or parents about how school is going
- Avoiding professors
- Skipping classes
- Feeling lost in class and unable to complete assignments
- Dropping most of your classes
What to Do If You’re Failing College
The most important thing to remember if you feel like you are losing control over your academics is that there is help available. And usually, help is found right at your fingertips. That’s the good news. The hard part is taking the first step and reaching out.
If you read the bullet points above and feel like most of them describe you, it’s time to reach out for academic support. Sometimes, that first step is really hard to take, but once that’s done, you can create a bit of forward momentum–failing forward, so to speak–to get you out of the academic rut.
RELATED: Why Students Fail College
Consider taking one or a few of the following steps to get things back on track:
- Talk to your professors. Despite how professors are displayed in many movies, these people are actually on your side. They went into education to teach and influence young minds. If you show initiative, many professors will go out of their way to help you.
- Talk with your parents. One of your most powerful resources is your parents. No two people would do more for you. It’s natural to feel apprehensive about admitting to your parents that you are failing college but rest assured, once your parents see you truly struggling, they will rush in to help.
- Meet with your academic advisors. College advisors know how challenging college can be and are skilled at helping struggling students get back on track. These people are rooting for you and will listen without judgment. They will be able to offer individualized guidance and may be able to connect you with other resources specific to your situation.
- Learn how to effectively manage your time. Sometimes, students fall behind in their academics because they haven’t been able to balance their schedule and workload. Academic counselors and tutoring centers can help you create time management skills that work for you by using planners, creating schedules, and assigning an accountability partner.
Visit student support services. Most schools also have student support services or academic success centers. These resources are designed to help students in your position, so don’t be afraid to reach out to them.
Coping with Failing College
College is often challenging, even for the most well-prepared student. Failure can happen to anyone—in fact, it often does. Whether you bomb an exam, fail a class, or even end up on academic suspension–these are all experiences that are difficult and disappointing. But they don’t need to define you.
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Dealing with Failing College
Sometimes, failing college can create bigger-than-life emotions that lead to mental health challenges, like depression. If you find yourself losing interest in the things that typically bring you joy and satisfaction, sleeping excessively, or not eating, it would be wise to seek professional help.
Staying Motivated and Positive
Failure is often painful and is accompanied by a slew of negative feelings that must be overcome. The best way to do this is by cultivating a growth mindset. Early in 2006, psychologist Carol Dweck, coined the phrase “growth mindset.” Her research proved that people who view failure as an opportunity to learn are often more happy and successful than those who believe failure is a result of fixed intelligence.
As it turns out, competence nor intelligence are not a fixed trait. We get stronger and better at things when we practice them. Your whole life, you will find opportunities to learn, grow, and advance–college is just one of them. Individuals with a growth mindset actually work harder when faced with obstacles; they find joy in the challenges because they believe obstacles are simply problems to be solved, not tests or measures of their intelligence.
How Pure Life Can Help Struggling Students
Pure Life was built specifically to help struggling students find their way back to solid footing. We know how tough and complicated life can be for the emerging young adult. That’s one of the reasons why we created our Adventure Therapy program. We wanted to help young adults and adolescents develop the life skills and confidence they need to face life with boots on the ground.
Our Adventure Therapy program is run by our talented and trained staff that utilizes group and individual therapy, adventure, and cultural immersion to foster personal development. It’s a holistic program that gets consistent results. Our program addresses academic, emotional, and personal growth needs. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let’s hit the ground running.