College Credit
Pure Life students can earn College Credit
Pure Life is partnered with New England College (NEC) based in Henniker, New Hampshire to provide college credit to Pure Life students.
The college credit is completely optional, and is built into our programming. This is meant to be value added, and not the primary focus. It is not meant to distract from the therapeutic/personal work of Pure Life students, and instead is intentionally supportive. Pure Life is a dynamic and hands-on, experiential learning opportunity, and we wanted an option for students with previous college experience or students considering college to capture some of the work they do while in our program.
All students who come into Pure Life create a personal portfolio which includes our Bridges life skills course (see below), and it’s through this personal portfolio that students can submit their work for college credit if they choose to do so. Students can earn up to 15 general education, transferable credits.
Cost and Process
Pure Life students/families will pay New England College directly through their “MyNEC” account, the portal the college uses for all of their students. The cost per credit is $200, and will show up on the student account the week before they finish Pure Life.
NEC offers great options for on-campus, and online classes if students want to continue with the college.
Throughout their stay at Pure Life, students will work with our Academic Advisor, Dr. Raelyn Viti, a professor and outdoor educator at NEC to ensure they understand and are meeting the outcomes for the credit process. Pure Life staff support students throughout the process by providing instruction and facilitating adventure experiences.
Our Courses:
Pure Life Bridges (2 Credits)
Bridges is our version of a life skills curriculum. During Bridges, students participate in a workshop each week that includes a lecture and group discussion. We explore topics including relationships, careers, goal setting, understanding our habits and behaviors, and in general, how we can be healthier and happier humans.
Each week students complete an associated writing reflection that will help them explore their strengths and growth areas with the goal of developing tangible strategies to apply to their lives.
Bridges is made up of 9 unique workshops that fit into themes based on the 4 elements:
Earth – Water – Air – Fire
As students complete each theme, they earn a handmade coconut pendant, and upon completion of all the sections and submitting their Life Action Plan, they earn a sterling silver pendant with all 4 elements. The Bridges course helps students make connections between their new experiences in Costa Rica and the changes they want to make moving forward.
The curriculum is required for all students and takes about 10 weeks to complete.

LAS 1 (4 credits)
LAS 2 (4 credits)
Skills Courses (1 credit each)
White Water Rafting
Sea Kayaking
Camp Cooking
Service Project
Safety Courses (1 Credit each)
Wilderness First Aid
Whitewater Rescue Technician (whitewater rafting focused)
Recreational Rope Operator (waterfall rappelling focused)
Pure Life offers 3 internationally recognized professional certifications. During these weeks, students participate in hands-on scenarios and outdoor classroom learning. These certifications are fun and engaging, and are good for 2 years.